"The shoe that fits one person pinches the other."
(Carl Gustav Jung)
Steve Hofmann, M.A.
In 1981 I was born in a small town in the former GDR as the first son of a typical East German nuclear family. After school, I majored in Scandinavian Studies and Modern German Literature at Humboldt University in Berlin. My interest in the structure and hidden meaning of texts enriches my therapeutic work today: What does a client tell me by the way she says something? What is expressed by what is left unsaid, in the way she makes or avoids eye contact, gestures with her body, etc.?
At university I also encountered the ideas of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis, which I began to study intensively, a passion that I pursue to this day and that enables me to gain an ever deeper understanding of the human body, mind, and soul. In this period, I also began two talk therapies, without success. Although I could have written a dissertation about my problems, talking therapy didn't bring about any fundamental changes for me.
I took the wedding vows in 2007, and when the relationship ended almost five years later, I entered counseling again, this time in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Again, I had only modest success. I wanted to turn my interest in psychology into a career, so I began my first trainings in coaching, neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis, and body therapy (Trauma Releasing Exercises, TRE). Since I was completely cut off from my emotions, working with these methods didn't bring about the desired breakthrough either: They lacked the relational component.
My “second life” began when, through a stroke of luck, in 2012 I came across Bioenergetic Analysis, a body-type of therapy founded by Alexander Lowen and his colleagues. I began my training analysis 2013 and took up my training as a body psychotherapist (HP Psych). Through the combination of body work and psychodynamic talk therapy that characterizes Bioenergetics, I was not only able to understand myself after all those years, but also could finally “feel myself.” I was able to re-experience my childhood, both emotionally and physically, which enabled me to break down limiting patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
This taught me something important for my self-understanding as a therapist and coach: The way to change leads through feeling, and the way to feeling leads through the body. I specialized in the treatment of so-called “early” or personality disorders, especially of the narcissistic cluster.
I’d like to accompany you on your way to a freer and fuller life, through humor, insight, and empathy, but also challenge or confrontation when it is needed. I want to invite you to open up to yourself, your feelings, and your truth, to live your life in a free and self-determined way.
With kind regards,
Steve Hofmann
I took the wedding vows in 2007, and when the relationship ended almost five years later, I entered counseling again, this time in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Again, I had only modest success. I wanted to turn my interest in psychology into a career, so I began my first trainings in coaching, neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis, and body therapy (Trauma Releasing Exercises, TRE). Since I was completely cut off from my emotions, working with these methods didn't bring about the desired breakthrough either: They lacked the relational component.
My “second life” began when, through a stroke of luck, in 2012 I came across Bioenergetic Analysis, a body-type of therapy founded by Alexander Lowen and his colleagues. I began my training analysis 2013 and took up my training as a body psychotherapist (HP Psych). Through the combination of body work and psychodynamic talk therapy that characterizes Bioenergetics, I was not only able to understand myself after all those years, but also could finally “feel myself.” I was able to re-experience my childhood, both emotionally and physically, which enabled me to break down limiting patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
This taught me something important for my self-understanding as a therapist and coach: The way to change leads through feeling, and the way to feeling leads through the body. I specialized in the treatment of so-called “early” or personality disorders, especially of the narcissistic cluster.
I’d like to accompany you on your way to a freer and fuller life, through humor, insight, and empathy, but also challenge or confrontation when it is needed. I want to invite you to open up to yourself, your feelings, and your truth, to live your life in a free and self-determined way.
With kind regards,
Steve Hofmann
My qualifications:
- Master of Arts (M.A.) in Scandinavian studies and Modern German literature
- Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie (HPP)
- Certified Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT)
- Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) provider
- Personal & Business Coach (ECA, European Coaching Association)
- regular training and supervision of my work by experienced and accomplished trainers
- extensive experience in a variety of spiritual traditions and techniques like meditation, yoga and Amazonian shamanism
List of publications:
- Steve Hofmann: Psychoanalytische Betrachtungen zu Aksel Sandemoses Roman En flyktning krysser sitt spor (Magisterarbeit am Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 2008).
- Steve Hofmann: Den Anderen mitdenken - Mentalisierung als ein Aspekt (körper-)psychotherapeutischer Ausbildung. In: Jens Tasche/Reinhard Weber-Steinbach: Bioenergetik als mentalisierende Körperpsychotherapie. Beiträge zu einem psychodynamischen Verständnis leibhafter Affektivität. Göttingen 2018, S. 88-100.
- Steve Hofmann: Rezension zu Surfen auf Seelenwellen. Die Geschichte einer Selbsteroberung. In: Forum Bioenergetische Analyse 2019. Hrsg. v. Marion Baum. Psychosozialverlag 2019.
- Steve Hofmann: Rezension zu Renate Schwenk / Christine Pechtl (Hrsg.): Körper im Dialog. Theorie und Anwendungsfelder der Bioenergetischen Analyse. Gießen 2019. In: Forum Bioenergetische Analyse 2020. Hrsg. v. Marion Baum. Psychosozialverlag 2020.
- Steve Hofmann: Psychoanalytische Betrachtungen zu Aksel Sandemoses Roman En flyktning krysser sitt spor (Magisterarbeit am Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 2008).
- Steve Hofmann: Den Anderen mitdenken - Mentalisierung als ein Aspekt (körper-)psychotherapeutischer Ausbildung. In: Jens Tasche/Reinhard Weber-Steinbach: Bioenergetik als mentalisierende Körperpsychotherapie. Beiträge zu einem psychodynamischen Verständnis leibhafter Affektivität. Göttingen 2018, S. 88-100.
- Steve Hofmann: Rezension zu Surfen auf Seelenwellen. Die Geschichte einer Selbsteroberung. In: Forum Bioenergetische Analyse 2019. Hrsg. v. Marion Baum. Psychosozialverlag 2019.
- Steve Hofmann: Rezension zu Renate Schwenk / Christine Pechtl (Hrsg.): Körper im Dialog. Theorie und Anwendungsfelder der Bioenergetischen Analyse. Gießen 2019. In: Forum Bioenergetische Analyse 2020. Hrsg. v. Marion Baum. Psychosozialverlag 2020.
Bioenergetik Berlin | Steve Hofmann
bei Heilpraxis am Bürgerpark Schulzestr. 21 13187 Berlin Mobil: +49 (0)176 25 39 46 75 Internet: www.bioenergeticsberlin.com/ Email: [email protected] |